Bite Club - Episode 97 - 2 episode True Blood recap!

'I'm Alive and on Fire' and 'Me and the Devil': In a double True Blood recap, Eric and Sookie finally hook up, Tommy experience a pivotal life-changing loss, Jason bonds to Jessica (and Hoyt), and Pam isn't having luck getting her decaying face back to normal with Marnie, the possessed witch.
Take a listen:
>> Download Episode 97 (right- or ctrl-click and select 'Save as...')
1:07 - Wine of the Week
Shannon -Folie a Deux 2008 Zinfandel - $18
Eileen -2008 ilCavaliere - Ruché Di Castagnole Monferrato - Italy "Red Wine"., $4.99 at Spencer & Daniel's, SF
6:10 - True Blood recap, Season 4, Episode 4, "I'm Alive and on Fire"
25:35 - True Blood recap, Season 4, Episode 5, "Me and the Devil"
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